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Several prestigious competitions take place each academic year at Manhattan School of Music.

Eisenberg-Fried Concerto Competition

Auditions are held each February by the department chairs of strings, 钢琴, woodwind 和 voice; brass auditions alternate years with harp/percussion/guitar. Participants must have their entire concerto prepared by memory 和 bring their own accompanist. Winners are assigned concert dates for the next school year, performing with one of the school orchestras. For additional information, including application deadlines, please refer to your program’s Department H和book. 

Artur Balsam Competition For Duos

The Artur Balsam Competition for Duos takes place every two years in the spring semester. A wide variety of repertoire is required 和 will be announced in Fall 2022 with the next competition taking place in Spring 2023.

Lillian Fuchs Memorial 室内乐 Series

The Lillian Fuchs 室内乐 Competition takes place each semester 和 includes outst和ing groups nominated by the chamber music faculty. Winning groups are invited to perform in a public concert in  Greenfield.

Ruth Widder String Quartet Competition

The Ruth Widder String Quartet Competition, funded by the Widder Foundation in consultation with faculty member Laurie Carney, honors the memory of Ruth Widder, whose lifetime of generosity to Manhattan School of Music, the American String Quartet, 和 other arts institutions has had a lasting effect on the cultural life of New York. The competition was created in 2015 to encourage high-level study of the string quartet literature by MSM students, 和 is open to quartets of current students who have played together for at least two semesters. The two winning quartets, selected by a jury comprising members of the American String Quartet 和 other MSM chamber music faculty, receive cash prizes 和 are showcased in the annual winners’ concert.

Outside 比赛

Students 和 alumni seeking information about regional, national 和 international competitions sponsored by other organizations should visit the Center for Music Entrepreneurship.

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